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    Personality Testing Testing 1, 2, 3…

    There are two types of people in this world: those who have faith in personality tests and those who do not. I happen to be the former, while my husband, who hates labels and finds all personality tests restrictive, is in the latter camp. I understand that human beings are complex and it is impossible for us to be rigidly constrained into neat and tidy little boxes, prescribed by some dissertation-driven psychology student or over-eager human behavior analyst. People can, do, and should change throughout their lifetimes. However, I have found personality tests to be quite helpful, and think they can be fascinating and important tools for self discovery. Socrates…

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    Because of RHE

    Early this past Saturday morning, one of my writing heroes passed away at the premature age of 37, leaving behind a husband and two very young children. I was shocked. Saddened. Heartbroken. Speechless. We were busy over the weekend, so I didn’t really have time to process it. But now I sit with her books spread before me, weeping, thankful for her words and what she gave to me. I couldn’t let this tragic event pass by without acknowledging what her writing meant to me. I discovered Rachel Held Evans’ writing at a time when I was lost, confused, and questioning. I was a believer, but my faith had been…

  • Anxiety,  God,  Uncategorized

    Losing Control

    Is your life exactly how you imagined or hoped it would be? If it is, I want to know your secret! Or you are Oprah or Tony Robbins, in which case, HOLY CRAP OPRAH AND TONY ROBBINS READ MY BLOG!!! I’ll be honest, my life doesn’t look anything like I had imagined it would. Part of the reason is because I am terrible at goal setting. I acknowledge that. The other reason is, well, most of life does truly seem like it is out of my control. The truth is we simply cannot control people, circumstances, or events. I can exercise and eat healthy every day and potentially still get…

  • Freedom,  Hope,  Kids,  Politics,  Social Issues,  Uncategorized

    Election Day

    Today is the day we choose who will lead our country into the future for the next four years. Many of us have agonized over this decision. I am not alone when I say that I will be happy when the decision is finally made, regardless of the outcome, and this election that has so bitterly divided us as a nation is over and done. For many of us, this election has been so particularly hard because there are no clear cut “good” candidates. All of the choices presented to us from the primaries to this present general election were and are deeply flawed. There seems to be only bad…

  • Anxiety,  Bible,  Dreams,  God,  Hope,  Uncategorized

    Misplaced Hope

    “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12, NLT Have you ever been so disappointed by life that you have felt physically ill? Have you ever felt so let down, so disgusted by the cards that life has dealt you that you felt like giving up and throwing in the towel? Maybe you worked hard to make a relationship work and it fell apart. Maybe you gave hours of your time, energy, passion, and devotion to a job or a business or a ministry, and now you find yourself unemployed. You gave, poured out, invested, and committed yourself and all your…

  • Friends,  God,  Marriage,  Mental Health,  seasons,  Uncategorized


    The word that keeps rolling around my brain these days, the one that means the most to me when it comes to describing God’s character, is steadfast. In my times of meditation and quiet before God, this is the facet of His character that shines through. It means: stead·fast ˈstedˌfast/ adjective resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. “steadfast loyalty” In an ever changing world, where nothing is ever certain or secure, this sounds refreshingly welcome, doesn’t it? What I keep hearing, and what keeps being communicated to me through the air waves is that God is resolutely, dutifully firm, and loyal in His love towards me and His plans for…

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    What Becomes of the Broken Hearted

    I just googled How to Live With a Broken Heart. A few years ago, I would have googled How to Recover from a Broken Heart. Or How to Bounce Back. How to Overcome. Basically, How to Get Over It Already. But now I am not so sure we are meant to “Get Over it.” Disappointment, death, and loss are a part of our world. What if they are not meant to be overcome but incorporated? I mean, does a person ever “recover” from the death of a loved one? No, we do not. It becomes a part of us and then we find a new way to navigate through darkened,…

  • Anxiety,  God,  Grief,  Mental Health,  Therapy,  Uncategorized

    When You’re a Fighter, Not a Lover

    I love Shauna Niequist. Maybe in a kind of stalker-ish way. I adore her writing and her recipes. I am a huge fan of her dad, Bill Hybels, her mother Lynne, and the amazing ministry they have accomplished all together at Willow Creek. Their family truly inspires me. I have seen Bill talk 3 times in person, and every.single.time, I sob like a baby. And I absolutely loved this post written by Shauna. The problem I have with it, though? I couldn’t relate to it. After reading it, I felt like I was from another planet. Let me explain. I am, by my very nature, a fighter. I was an…

  • Dreams,  Friends,  God,  Uncategorized

    Bloom Where You’re Planted

    Beautiful, happy tulips on display at Biltmore. Lord, why couldn’t I be planted at Biltmore?   I currently reside in a small town in Georgia. And by small, I mean the population is less than 15,000. My husband and I have lived here for almost 13 years. It’s the longest I have ever lived in one place in my entire life. But I haven’t always loved it. You see, we moved here to help a friend start a church – in another city. We chose this small town, simply because of its proximity to work (Athens) and where we would be doing ministry (Buford), and we chose the town smack…

  • Mental Health,  Therapy,  Uncategorized,  Writing

    Why write?

    I often wonder what compels me to cut open my veins and bleed all over this keyboard that sits in front of me. I apologize for that graphic image. But for those of you who are acquainted with the metaphor, often attributed to Ernest Hemingway, you know that I am talking about the craft of writing. What possesses me to share with total strangers all my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my parenting adventures (and struggles), my political frustrations, my theological meanderings? Do I have an insatiable desire for attention? Well, maybe… Honestly, though, I think it is something else. I think it is how writers are wired. I think…