The word that keeps rolling around my brain these days, the one that means the most to me when it comes to describing God’s character, is steadfast. In my times of meditation and quiet before God, this is the facet of His character that shines through. It means:
resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.“steadfast loyalty”
In an ever changing world, where nothing is ever certain or secure, this sounds refreshingly welcome, doesn’t it? What I keep hearing, and what keeps being communicated to me through the air waves is that God is resolutely, dutifully firm, and loyal in His love towards me and His plans for my life. Even when I am least deserving, He is reliable, constant, and steady. His kindness and compassion, unwavering. Throughout the Psalms, God is referred to as our refuge because God can always be trusted. He does not change. His love, His compassion, and His devotion to me as a Heavenly Parent is fixed. He is the Rock of Ages that does not move.
Over the course of my life, this has been a difficult concept for me to grasp. Maybe it is for you too, especially if those closest to you – one or even both of your parents, caregivers, or closest friends and family, etc. – have been anything but steady, reliable, or constant. But I am learning that even when I am fickle and unreliable, God is there. Even when I have had a hard time counting on others, I can count on God. His love is steady.
God truly knew what He was doing when He led Ren and I to marry each other. My husband is an incredibly steadfast person. Never fickle, his personality, his heart, his love for me and our kids, and his commitment to our family, his job, and all his relationships are fixed. He is steady. He is always…Ren. He is reliable, dependable, and trustworthy. God knew I needed this, and I am so very thankful that He knew what I needed even before I did. The friendships in which I have had the most peace all share this characteristic as well. I rest assured. My confidence in their love for me is secure. They aren’t going anywhere. They are there for me when I need them.
Except, of course, when they can’t be.
I realize that all human beings have limitations; every single one of us, even the most steadfast. We are weak. We have frailties, and it is no person’s job to commit themselves to me and only me 24/7. And even friendships such as these are rare indeed. I will be let down, and I will most certainly let others down. That is why this element of God’s character has become so very real and important to me. No matter what is going on, God is faithful. No matter which friends choose to stay, and which friends move on. No matter what job I currently have or don’t have. No matter the health of my body or mind, or the passing of significant loved ones to a greater glory. Even kingdoms rise and fall, and princes and kings turn to dust, their promises ringing hollow in our ears. Leaves turn from robust and green to dying embers of red and gold, and then they fall. And winter breezes by us with an icy shoulder and cruel indifference.
Seasons change. My feelings change. My opinions will change. I don’t even agree with myself from one year ago! The feelings and opinions of even those that matter most to me may change. But one thing that will remain secure is God’s steadfast love towards me. His love endures forever, even in a world that is forever changing. This brings me such peace, and is reason enough for me to sing. I’ve had this song on repeat lately. My kids are sick of it by now, but hopefully they will have it cemented, established and rooted in their hearts when they need to know on whom they can count on. There is no one else.

Nana Buckland
A perfect description of Ren who I depend on as well and without God in my life– I would be nothing– he is with
Me every minute and forgives me when I do wrong. Thanks to your wonderful words and thoughts, Angela, & for sharing Ren with me, as well.