• God,  Health,  Running,  Uncategorized

    Why I Run

    If you know me at all, or follow me on social media, you know that I love to run.  Let me say up front, I am no Olympic athlete.  I have never run a marathon, and in the past my running schedule has been sporadic at best.  I have run several 5ks, a few 10ks, but mostly I love to go for a 30 minute jaunt around the park or my neighborhood, giving this desperate introvert a much needed break from parenting and homeschooling 4 children!  Running clears my head.  It gives me time to recalibrate, to think and focus, meditate or pray.  Another bonus:  I get to listen to…

  • Food,  Friends,  Health,  Kids,  Parenting,  Uncategorized

    I…I Will Be Thin Again

    Hi.  My name is Angela. And I’m…overweight. There.  I said it. I’ve actually known this for a while now.  Now I am not saying this because I am fishing for compliments.  I am saying this because I am finally coming to grips with it.  I’m quite fascinated by this sudden realization, actually, because I’ve never struggled with my weight until now.  Now, I am not grotesquely overweight or anything, nor am I considered obese.  But I recently entered my weight, height, and age into one of those BMI calculator thingamabobs, and there it was.  It very plainly and very clearly, albeit very politely, told me I was chunky and needed…