Unschooled by Stuart Little
“Everyone will now take his or her seat!” commanded Stuart. The pupils filed obediently down the aisles and dropped into their seats and in a moment there was silence in the classroom. Stuart cleared his throat. Seizing a coat lapel in either hand, to make himself look like a professor, Stuart began: “Anybody absent?”
Disappointing Your Kids
Parents today have too many pressures heaped upon them. We are bombarded with “expert” opinions and unrealistic expectations on how to raise perfect, well-adjusted, brilliant, beautiful, talented, morally immaculate children. It’s more than even our Bible heroes could achieve! Formulas abound. Plug in these variables and presto! Get perfect kids! As if raising children was as simple as following a recipe; baking the perfect kidcake with all the best organic ingredients. On top of all that, I see parents who will go to great lengths, moving heaven and earth in order not to disappoint their kids. They somehow, along with caring for their kids, feel responsible for their total and…
One Thing
I have a question for you: What’s the one thing you know you should be doing but aren’t? I’m not talking about everyday things, things that may be important but on a much smaller scale, such as doing the dishes, taking out the trash, or paying the cable bill. I’m talking about the ideas that you have. The big ones. The ones that won’t leave. The ones that have been with you for months, maybe even years. Maybe ever since you were a kid. They linger like strays on a doorstep. You want to write a novel. Or travel the world someday. Or start your own business. Or run a…
Why I Run
If you know me at all, or follow me on social media, you know that I love to run. Let me say up front, I am no Olympic athlete. I have never run a marathon, and in the past my running schedule has been sporadic at best. I have run several 5ks, a few 10ks, but mostly I love to go for a 30 minute jaunt around the park or my neighborhood, giving this desperate introvert a much needed break from parenting and homeschooling 4 children! Running clears my head. It gives me time to recalibrate, to think and focus, meditate or pray. Another bonus: I get to listen to…
The Dregs of Summer
The crowd has gathered – It is only days until Autumn makes his triumphant appearance, With wreaths and garlands of gold adorning his comely head. We anxiously await his inauguration, As we wave good riddance to his predecessor, Suffering now the dregs of Summer. She has given us her best, but her reign is nearing its uninspiring end. Fruits have ceased their bearing, and vegetation has withered and withdrawn. Hibernating underground; soothing, placating. Pool gates are closed, and children have returned to their cells, But the temperatures deceive us. Searing heat, drying and suffocating the last drops of life and vitality from the vine As we wait. We yearn. For…
And That’s the Truth!
I am passionate about the truth. For as long as I can remember, I have always had an intense interest in searching for, discovering, and communicating truth. As a senior in high school, a teacher presented our English class with an assignment asking us to describe our major life goal. My answer? Well, to seek and find the ultimate truth, OBVIOUSLY! That’s not too lofty for an 18 year-old, is it? In college, I studied political science, thinking I might one day go to law school to become an ardent defender of truth and justice. That was until I learned that’s not what lawyers actually do! I must confess to…
Well, I Did It
On May 21, 1927, American aviator Charles Augustus Lindbergh emerged from a single-seat, single-engine monoplane called The Spirit of St. Louis after completing a 33.5 hour non-stop solo flight from New York City to Paris. While many others attempted this feat prior to Lindbergh, it was the first time that such an endeavor was ever successfully completed. Lindbergh’s famous first words after his amazing flight were simply, “Well, I did it.” And though I haven’t procured a pilot’s license (Although my husband has! Way to go, Sweetie!) or completed any transatlantic flights, I have done exactly what I set out to do since my last post just three years ago. …
I…I Will Be Thin Again
Hi. My name is Angela. And I’m…overweight. There. I said it. I’ve actually known this for a while now. Now I am not saying this because I am fishing for compliments. I am saying this because I am finally coming to grips with it. I’m quite fascinated by this sudden realization, actually, because I’ve never struggled with my weight until now. Now, I am not grotesquely overweight or anything, nor am I considered obese. But I recently entered my weight, height, and age into one of those BMI calculator thingamabobs, and there it was. It very plainly and very clearly, albeit very politely, told me I was chunky and needed…
A Movie Review, an Epiphany, & a Birthday Wish
I saw Julie & Julia recently. Before I’d seen it, several people told me I needed to see it, and that the movie reminded them of me. I don’t know what exactly about the movie reminded each person of me, but nevertheless I was intrigued. Now, as you can probably imagine, as a woman with 4 small kids, I don’t really get to the movie theater much these days. Pretty much if it’s not available to watch on Netflix’s Instant Streaming feature, I haven’t seen it. A few opportunities to see the flick passed me by, so I simply resolved that I would eventually watch it once it came out…
Suffering Better
I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions. Yet, I find myself reflecting on some things as we enter 2010, thus leading me to a couple resolutions conclusions. 2009 was a really good year for the Buckland family in many ways. While it seemed that storms were raging all around us, we remained sheltered in what, at times, felt like a protective bubble. Our kids thrived, our marriage thrived, and our lives were, for the most part, pretty peaceful. During one of the worst economic crises our country has ever seen, Ren’s company also had its most profitable year. Oh, and Zoloft is AWESOME. But I’m sure that has had absolutely…