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Things Life and God are Currently Teaching Me

  1. God is really, really big.
  2. Housework is way overrated.
  3. Sleeping in is way underrated.
  4. God is not as uptight as I once thought.
  5. We as human beings have an astounding knack for over complicating just about everything. I find this interesting especially when so many of Jesus’ teachings revolved around simplicity.
  6. Simplicity vs. Duplicity is a running theme in my life. More on that later.
  7. Monism vs. Dualism is also a theme. More on that later, as well.
  8. I am blessed. And I am thankful.
  9. If you want to have a great marriage, spend time with your spouse. If you want to have a great relationship with your kids, spend time with your kids. If you want to have healthy finances, spend time working on them. In other words, if you want something to be healthy, focus and work on THAT thing. Don’t work on one thing, expecting it to solve problems or cause blessings to pop up in some other random area of your life. These are the very principals of sowing and reaping. You can’t get cucumbers from planting tomato seeds. Sometimes, but not always, we may have unexpected pleasant consequences arise from seemingly unrelated actions or events. But we should never count on these. This may seem elementary and it probably is, but I see far too much of the other going on, and I think it’s a duplicitous and dangerous way of shirking our responsibilities.
  10. Having a sense of humor is a necessity in life.
  11. Getting older, for me, really has meant getting fatter. And gravity isn’t really helping matters either. But I’m finding that I like the older, fatter, saggier, sassier me than the younger, thinner, tighter, slightly bitchier version. Plus, I like me with brownies and cheesecake waaaaay better than I do without.
  12. I still have a voice, it’s just currently being muffled by the sounds of Sesame Street.

Wife to Ren for 23 years. Mom to 4 amazing teens. Writer. Creative. Entrepreneur. God chaser. Disciple maker. I love Jesus, and I love His Church. I inspire, challenge, and encourage women to pursue Jesus wholeheartedly, to lay hold of the abundant life in Christ waiting for them, and to become all God created them to be.


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