• Dreams,  God,  Kids,  Uncategorized,  Writing

    Well, I Did It

    On May 21, 1927, American aviator Charles Augustus Lindbergh emerged from a single-seat, single-engine monoplane called The Spirit of St. Louis after completing a 33.5 hour non-stop solo flight from New York City to Paris.  While many others attempted this feat prior to Lindbergh, it was the first time that such an endeavor was ever successfully completed.  Lindbergh’s famous first words after his amazing flight were simply, “Well, I did it.” And though I haven’t procured a pilot’s license (Although my husband has!  Way to go, Sweetie!)  or completed any transatlantic flights, I have done exactly what I set out to do since my last post just three years ago. …

  • Food,  Friends,  Marriage,  Movies,  Uncategorized,  Writing

    A Movie Review, an Epiphany, & a Birthday Wish

    I saw Julie & Julia recently.  Before I’d seen it, several people told me I needed to see it, and that the movie reminded them of me.  I don’t know what exactly about the movie reminded each person of me, but nevertheless I was intrigued.  Now, as you can probably imagine, as a woman with 4 small kids, I don’t really get to the movie theater much these days.  Pretty much if it’s not available to watch on Netflix’s Instant Streaming feature, I haven’t seen it.  A few opportunities to see the flick passed me by, so I simply resolved that I would eventually watch it once it came out…

  • Bible,  Christianity,  Depression,  God,  Kids,  Marriage,  Money,  Uncategorized

    Suffering Better

    I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions.  Yet, I find myself reflecting on some things as we enter 2010, thus leading me to a couple resolutions conclusions.  2009 was a really good year for the Buckland family in many ways.  While it seemed that storms were raging all around us, we remained sheltered in what, at times, felt like a protective bubble.  Our kids thrived, our marriage thrived, and our lives were, for the most part, pretty peaceful.  During one of the worst economic crises our country has ever seen, Ren’s company also had its most profitable year. Oh, and Zoloft is AWESOME.  But I’m sure that has had absolutely…

  • Friends,  God,  Holidays,  Kids,  Traditions,  Uncategorized

    Well, this is embarassing

    Uh.  Hi.  Remember me?  I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t, considering that my last blog post was more than 3 months ago.  However, in my defense, life has been crazy for us lately.  A good kind of crazy, but crazy nonetheless.  I really haven’t been keeping up with reading any other blogs either.  So, if you’ve posted some earth-shattering news, and haven’t gotten a response from me, I do apologize.  I’ve sort of been out of the loop.  I’ve heard rumors that blogs are on their way out, that blogging is dead, etc. (which I totally do NOT believe; we Americans are much too narcissistic to ever let such…

  • Bible,  Christianity,  Church,  God,  Marriage,  Money,  Theological Discussions,  Uncategorized

    Bad Tither

    First of all, I have to give credit to the snappy title of this post to its creator, Mr. Wes Whitener.  It’s a song of his by his band The Sheeps.  You should totally check them out.  They rock.  I’ve been thinking about that song a lot lately.  I hope he’s not going to expect any royalties.  Cuz I ain’t got ’em. As you’ll soon realize further into this post. So, a while back, in this post, I mentioned duplicity.  Duplicity is basically another word for deceit; having a different intent than what is being professed or projected.  Saying one thing but doing another thing entirely; double-mindedness.  It is the…

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    The Paradoxical Commandments

    I am sure most of you have probably already read this poem before.  For some reason, I’m not sure I have ever seen it before.  My mom gave me a copy the other day, and it’s now on my fridge.  It is often attributed to Mother Teresa, called “The Anyway Poem,” because she had it written on the wall of her children’s home in Calcutta.  However, what she had written is based upon an inspirational poem by Dr. Kent M. Keith entitled “The Paradoxical Commandments.”  Anyway, it really blessed me, and I hope it blesses you, too.  This is a good one to read whenever you feel down and are…

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    The world bombards us with the message of “whatever you’re currently doing isn’t enough.” I’m sure you’ve heard this message in one form or another. Got a problem? Well, you probably did something to deserve it. That certainly does not mean we should be absolved from all personal responsibility. Far from it. But does everything always come back down to something that you or I did wrong? Or aren’t doing right? I am sure that if I racked my brain long enough I could always drudge up something, for heaven’s sake! I am weary of picking up books promising help in a certain area, only to find a few chapters…

  • Books,  Kids,  Marriage,  Movies,  Theological Discussions,  Uncategorized,  Writing

    Welcome to “No Longer Waiting”!

    You can get so confused that you’ll start in to race down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place. The Waiting Place… …for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or a No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to…