And That’s the Truth!
I am passionate about the truth. For as long as I can remember, I have always had an intense interest in searching for, discovering, and communicating truth. As a senior in high school, a teacher presented our English class with an assignment asking us to describe our major life goal. My answer? Well, to seek and find the ultimate truth, OBVIOUSLY! That’s not too lofty for an 18 year-old, is it? In college, I studied political science, thinking I might one day go to law school to become an ardent defender of truth and justice. That was until I learned that’s not what lawyers actually do! I must confess to…
Dualing Banjos
Well, I got such great feedback from everyone with the last post. So, if you haven’t had enough of dualism yet, there’s a whole lot more where that came from, and I think it’s my new found calling in life to bring it to the masses ad nauseum. 🙂 I read this article by Nancy Scott called “Dueling with Dualism” not too long ago, and it really struck a chord with me. I encourage you to read the whole thing, but I will share with you my favorite passage: To separate our experience into spiritual and material, leads us to place value on the pursuit of “spiritual” things over the…
Regarding Dualism
I mentioned dualism in my last post. I’ve been reading a lot about dualism lately. I was first introduced to the concept by reading Michael’s blog over at The Christian Monist. He’s got quite a story to tell, and it’s really good stuff. He writes a lot about dualism, and how much it pervades our culture and colors many of our beliefs. Dualism has many different meanings, depending on the context in which it is being discussed. But for here and now, dualism, as it relates to the modern American evangelical Christian, is a way of viewing the world in very black and very white terms; having a very defined,…