I…I Will Be Thin Again
Hi. My name is Angela. And I’m…overweight. There. I said it. I’ve actually known this for a while now. Now I am not saying this because I am fishing for compliments. I am saying this because I am finally coming to grips with it. I’m quite fascinated by this sudden realization, actually, because I’ve never struggled with my weight until now. Now, I am not grotesquely overweight or anything, nor am I considered obese. But I recently entered my weight, height, and age into one of those BMI calculator thingamabobs, and there it was. It very plainly and very clearly, albeit very politely, told me I was chunky and needed…
A Movie Review, an Epiphany, & a Birthday Wish
I saw Julie & Julia recently. Before I’d seen it, several people told me I needed to see it, and that the movie reminded them of me. I don’t know what exactly about the movie reminded each person of me, but nevertheless I was intrigued. Now, as you can probably imagine, as a woman with 4 small kids, I don’t really get to the movie theater much these days. Pretty much if it’s not available to watch on Netflix’s Instant Streaming feature, I haven’t seen it. A few opportunities to see the flick passed me by, so I simply resolved that I would eventually watch it once it came out…
Things Life and God are Currently Teaching Me
God is really, really big. Housework is way overrated. Sleeping in is way underrated. God is not as uptight as I once thought. We as human beings have an astounding knack for over complicating just about everything. I find this interesting especially when so many of Jesus’ teachings revolved around simplicity. Simplicity vs. Duplicity is a running theme in my life. More on that later. Monism vs. Dualism is also a theme. More on that later, as well. I am blessed. And I am thankful. If you want to have a great marriage, spend time with your spouse. If you want to have a great relationship with your kids, spend…